Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Become the Leading Authority In Your Niche [PODCAST]

How to Become the Leading Authority In Your Niche [PODCAST] Would you like to be known as the go-to when it comes to getting information on a specific topic? Positioning yourself as an expert would help you build your following, increase your engagement, and grow your business. Publishing excellent content is a great way to do all of these things. Today’s guest is Nicole Kohler, the content manager at WooCommerce, an Automattic brand. She’s going to talk to us about how to score and prioritize content, improve your processes, and become the leading authority in your niche. Information about WooCommerce and what Nicole does there as the content manager. How Nicole gathers ideas for the WooCommerce site and blog, how they decide which ideas to use, and how they keep them organized. Tips for judging ideas that come in from people inside of the company, including the evaluation system WooCommerce uses. How Nicole decided that a former process for evaluating content wasn’t working and how she made the necessary changes. What a content brainstorming meeting looks like. How WooCommerce uses personas to develop engaging content that keeps readers coming back for more. Some of the results that Nicole is particularly proud of. Nicole’s best tips for someone hoping to improve their content. Links: WooCommerce Nicole on LinkedIn If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Nicole: â€Å"We have this culture of content where everyone’s looking for these ideas and coming to me and saying, here’s a really cool thing I saw, and we can write about that.† â€Å"You have to think about what you’re good at and what you know better than anyone else. I think the biggest mistake that some content producers make is trying to focus on everything in their particular area.† â€Å"You, whether you realize this or not, are genius about your subject. Own your genius, own your thing, and write about that.†

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