Monday, August 12, 2019

Facility Hazard Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Facility Hazard Analysis - Assignment Example As a hygienist I would recommend Acme International to improve their level of ventilation to avoid slow interference with the health of its workers and at the same time employ other forms of securing the health of their workers using various techniques (OBrien, 2011). The work area should be thoroughly ventilated with enough funds that pump out the chemical odor from the room, this is because these chemical odor when inhaled by the workers in the room they slowly react with oxygen hence after oxidation it becomes more hazardous and may lead to reduced breathing problems. That may later on reduce the work output since workers can never work correctly when their health is in bad condition. The same time the use of acetone on rags should also be avoided while cleaning the surfaces of the working bays. Acetone, when gets in contact with the skin, may lead mild irritation when it is inhaled it may lead to irritation of the throat and the nose and when is highly concentrated it may harm the nervous system. It also has a chronic effect since it can lead to the development of dermatitis a condition in which the skin cracks. The effects of Acetone can be controlled by properly storing, storage cupboard and shelves should be constructed which is out of rea ch of any child, the chemical in a cool and dry place away from any source of heat such as sunlight and electricity. During handling of this chemical, the employers should use the safety clothes such as veil and overall, which Acme International should provide for them to avoid contact with the skin, the containers containing this chemical should not be exposed to welding, not until all the traces of the products have been removed from the tanks, in the same areas where Acetone is found, smoking should not take place, hence posters containing warnings against smoking should be

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