Thursday, August 29, 2019

WATCH AMERICA MOVIE (1999) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WATCH AMERICA MOVIE (1999) - Essay Example The difference is that the director has given a comic touch, not with any intension to ridicule, but a reflection of realities such as the risks, experience and economy, which are compulsorily required to make films. Brochardt’s passion for films holds his frustrations and temperament within limits, and he is portrayed in such a way that till he completes the movie he never thinks of getting back form his desires over what he has headed for. In the beginning his intensions to make a movie called â€Å"NorthWestern† movie requires financial support and experience, so he changes his plan. His experience allows him to make up a horror short film and he decides that if he could sell 3000 copies of that movie’s videotape, he could plan a successful attempt to shoot his prime story Northwestern. Coven is supposed to be the horror film, which Brochardt has named, and though it might not look like a movie taken by experienced crew, the incidents covering the shooting spot probably helps the people to figure out reflections on Borchardt’s individuality, sincerity and interest and his flair for cinematography. His deep focus shot around the graveyard shows his talent and deep interest. The situations leading to a comic effect and Brochardt’s strong desires to achieve his dream will take away the notion of a documentary film. He also seems to have a depth of field which is reflected in his ideas about the Northwestern movie. Though â€Å"Coven† does not seem to materialize a good movie, the factors such as lack of professional team, financial support etc, could be added for the failure and low quality. But his interest and talents reflected on the spots gives way for the opinion that he too could make good movies provided the factors related to make movie reach him favourably. This is because he is very clear in his endeavour to reach the aim. The crew consist of his mother [ who likes to support him inspite of her lack of

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