Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Facts About Orthoptera :: essays research papers
Facts about OrthopteraWhere they live.Field crickets, the familiar black or brownish crickets are often long in meadows and fields. Also in dwellings or in small clusters in theground. Tree Crickets are more often heard then seen. Usually colored greenthese slender crickets live in shrubs and trees. Mole Crickets can burrowrapidly through damp soil. They also can live in caves, hollow logs, ben annihilatehstones, and other dark moist places. Grasshoppers are also part of this group.They often become very abundant, and migrate in tremendous swarms. Destroyingnearly all plants in their path. They like to live in wet grassy areas. Locustalso contribute to Orthoptera. Locust plagues have been recorded since thebeginning of history and are still one of the worlds major louse problems.Cockroaches are in this group too. Their are an estimated 3,000 cockroachspecies in the world. About 55 live in the U.S., and only 4 species ar common menage pets. German cockroaches or Croton bugs, are co mmon in the U.S.especially in the northern states. They commonly enter the house in bags orboxes from food market stores. They tend to cluster in warm moist places around hotwater pipes. They stay hidden when they are not eating.EatCrickets will eat holes in paper or in garments especially those soiledwith persperation. They also eat young roots and seedlings, peanuts, gardencrops, grain, clothing, and some time other insects and even separately other.Grasshoppers are a different story. They eat crops and destroy millions ofdollars a year in them. Cockroaches are just a pest and they eat almost some(prenominal)thing. Cockroaches feed on a great variety of foods, meats, cheeses, sweets,and starches(like the starch in clothing or in the glue like that in bookbindings, and stamps.). When abundant they may also eat human hair, skin andnails. They secrete sticky, odorous fluid that may be lift on foods ormaterials.MovementCockroaches front very swiftly. They have 6 legs with 3 joints , asmuscles contract at the base of the body the legs move. This motion causes aroach to lurch forward in rapid motion. Crickets have wings so they may fly.The movement of the crickets arent the same as the grasshoppers. Thegrasshopper is an insect that can leap about 20 times the length of its body.If a human being had the same leaping ability as the grasshopper they could jumpat least 20 feet.Helpful things they do.In Russia roaches have been regarded as an antidote for dropsy. Also inSoutheast Asia, and China the bits of meat plucked from around the legs of
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