Sunday, May 12, 2019

Proposal Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Proposal Paper - Essay ExampleWhat is the expected ending of the Patient breastplate and Affordable Act?It is hypothesized that, the state government is set to implement all recommendations provided in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Jacobs & Theda 44). Currently, the basic strategies recommended for implementation of the Act has been put in place. In addition, citizens and corporates also are set to embrace the changes recommended in health care system.Patient Protection and Affordable Act (Obama Care) The Patient Protection and Affordable is a Federal Statute assented by chairman Obama on 23rd March, 2010 (McDonough 12). The statute recommended changes in the health care systems that are aimed at improving the take at which citizens can fund for their medical services. In general, the act the act aimed at increasing the choice of medical services, increasing affordability of medical insurance, lowering the numbers of the uninsured by increasing corporate and em ployer office and reducing the cost of medical care for both the government and individuals (Donald 34).An appropriate research plan would in effect understand the history of health reforms until the reforms created in 2010. This would enable the determination of the appropriateness of the reforms in regards to the continuity of the trend. In addition, learning on the history of the healthcare reforms would enable research to identify the significance of the reforms in changing the health care system.Apart from learning the history, the research plan would include survey from all the touch stakeholders. The government would be consulted on the objectives it has set to achieve by the creation of the affordable act. In addition, it would be consulted on plans created to make the reforms efficacious in the current healthcare system. Patients would also be consulted on how effective the reforms have been since their creation in 2010. The consumers opinion will be

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