Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Fraternities and Sororities Essay

What is companionship?A fraternity (Latin frater br early(a)) is a brotherhood, although the term nearlytimes connotes a distinct or formal organization and sometimes a secret society. A fraternity (or biovular organization) is an organized society of men associated together in an environment of companionship and brotherhood dedicated to the intellectual, physical, and societal development of its members. * WikipediaA fraternity is a male-only association with members who be linked by common interests of some form or another. The most famous form in North America is probably the college fraternity, although it is excessively possible to find social and a variety of other fraternal organizations around the world. College fraternities date to 1776, when Phi genus Beta Kappa was founded in the join States. M whatever college fraternities atomic number 18 established with academic criteria for membership. People who wish to join typically participate in activities that take pl ace over the course of a week at the give way of a semester. Since most colleges with a system throw away multiple fraternities, these reddents usually take place during the alike(p) week for all groups, allowing people to explore all their options. This period is known as rush week. by and by rush week, current members of the fraternity decide which new members should be voted in. Traditionally, new pledges participate in an founding ceremony that has historically been accompanied by hazing challenges. Due to concerns about the risks of hazing that involve dangerous activities and drinking, many colleges hold explicitly banned it in the interest of student safety. around colleges have also cracked overpower on fraternity parties in response to complaints from other students and the surrounding community. Membership in a fraternity can confer many advantages. It is not uncommon for these groups to maintain living quarters and private clubs that are only open to their members . Special scholarships may be available, and membership can be subprogramd for networking which impart be valuable later in career. Many people also enjoy the brotherhood that comes with membership.Fraternities are often identified with classic letters, as in the fictitious character of Lambda Chi, a Christian fraternity, and Phi Iota Alpha, a Hispanic fraternity. These letters often represent the groups motto. Thanks to the common use of Greek letters in their identifications, the culture is sometimes described as Greek, as in Greek life or Greeks in reference to the members. It is also possible to use an English name, as in the case of the Skull and Bones, a notorious Yale fraternity.Public service is often a part of fraternity membership. They usually involve a specific charity or ride in their mission, with members donating funds or time to the cause each year. Members are sometimes frustrated by the judgmental attitudes of people outside the Greek system, pointing to thei r unfathomed missions of service and brotherhood to counteract stereotypes about lewd behavior and decadent parties.HistoryThere are known fraternal organizations which existed as far back as antediluvian Greece and in the Mithraic Mysteries of ancient Rome. Analogous institutions developed in the late medieval period called confraternities, which were lay organizations allied to the Catholic Church. Some were groups of men and women who were endeavoring to ally themselves more closely with the prayer and activity of the Church. Others were groups of tradesmen, which are more commonly referred to as guilds. These later confraternities evolved into purely secular fraternal societies, while the ones with religious goals continue to be the format of the new-fangled Third Orders affiliated with the mendicant orders. The development of modern fraternal orders was especially dynamic in the United States, where the freedom to associate outside governmental regulation is expressly sancti oned in law.1There have been hundreds of fraternal organizations in the United States, and at the beginning of the 20th century the number of memberships equaled the number of openhanded males. (Due to multiple memberships, probably only 50% of adult males belonged to any organizations.)2 In 1944 Arthur M. Schlesinger coined the phrase a race of joiners to refer to the phenomenon.3 Alexis de Tocqueville also referred to the American reliance on private organization in the 1830s in majority rule in America. There are many attributes that fraternities may or may not have, depending on their expression and purpose. Fraternities can have dissenting degrees of secrecy, some form of initiation or ceremony marking admission, formal codes of behavior, disciplinal procedures, very differing amounts of real property and assets.2Types of fraternitiesThe only true distinction surrounded by a fraternity and any other form of social organization is the implication that the members freely ass ociate as equals for a in return beneficial purpose, rather than because of a religious, governmental, commercial, or familial bond, although there are fraternities dedicated to each of these fields.2 On college campuses, fraternities may be divided into groups social, service, professional and honorary. Fraternities can be organized for many purposes, including university education, work skills, ethics, ethnicity, religion, politics, charity, chivalry, other standards of personal conduct, asceticism, service, performing arts, family command of territory, and even crime.There is almost always an explicit goal of reciprocal support, and while there have been fraternal orders for the well-off there have also been many fraternities for those in the lower ranks of society, especially for national or religious minorities. Trade unions also grew out of fraternities such as the Knights of Labor. The ability to organize freely, apart from the institutions of government and religion, was a fundamental part of the mental hospital of the modern world. In Living the Enlightenment, Margaret C. Jacobs showed the development of Jurgen Habermas public space in 17th century Netherlands was closely related to the establishment of lodges of Freemasons.4Trade guildsThe development of fraternities in England can be traced from guilds that emerged as the forerunners of trade unions and friendly societies. These guilds were set up to protect and care for their members at a time when there was no welfare state, trade unions or universal health care. Various secret signs and handshakes were created to serve as proof of their membership allowing them to visit guilds in distant places that are associated with the guild they belong. Over the next 300 years or so, the idea of prevalent people joining together to improve their situation met with varying degrees of opposition (and persecution) from People in cause, depending on whether theyclarification needed were seen as a source of revenue (taxes) or a threat to their power.When Henry octonary broke from the Roman Catholic Church, he viewed the guilds as supporters of the Pope, and in 1545 expropriate their property. Later, Elizabeth I appropriated apprenticeships away from guilds,clarification needed and by the end of her reign most guilds had been suppressed. The suppression of these trade guilds removed an important form of social and fiscal support from ordinary men and women. In London and other major cities, some Guilds (like the Freemasons and the rum Fellows) survived by adapting their roles to a social support function.Eventually, these groups evolved in the early 18th century into more philosophical organizations think on brotherly love and ethical living. Among guilds that became prosperous are the Freemasons, Odd Fellows and Foresters. In many instances fraternities are limited to male membership, but this is not always the case, and there are mixed male and female, and even wholly female, frate rnities. For example, for general fraternities the Grande Loge Mixte de France, the Honorable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons, the Grande Loge Fminine de France, the various Orders of Odd Fellows, Orange Order, Daughters of Rebekah and the Order of the Eastern Star.College and university fraternitiesMain article Fraternities and sororities in North AmericaFraternities have a history in American colleges and universities and form a major subsection of the whole range of fraternities.5 In Europe, students were organized in nations and corporations since the beginnings of the modern university in the late medieval period, but the situation can differ greatly by country. In the United States, fraternities in colleges date to the 1770s, but did not fully hold out an established pattern until the 1820s. Many were strongly influenced by the patterns set by Freemasonry.2The main difference between the older European organizations and the American organizations is that the American student societies virtually always include initiations, the formal use of symbolism, and the lodge-based organizational structure (chapters) derived from usages in Freemasonry2 and other fraternal organizations such as the Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias.6 The oldest active American college fraternity is The Kappa Alpha Society founded in November 1825, at Union College in Schenectady, New York, followed closely by Sigma Phi Society (1827) and Delta Phi Fraternity (1827) at the same school. Other fraternities are also called literary societies because they focus on the literary aspect of the organization and its role in improving public speaking. In Germany the German school-age child Corps are the oldest academic fraternities. Twenty-eight were founded in the 18th century and two of them still exist.7-References1. NAACP v. aluminum ex rel. Patterson, 357 U.S. 449, 460 (1958) 2. a b c d e Stevens, Albert C. (1907). Cyclopedia of Fraternities A Compilation of vivacious Authentic Info rmation and the Results of Original Investigation as to the Origin, Derivation, Founders, Development, Aims, Emblems, Character, and Personnel of More Than Six Hundred unavowed Societies in the United States. E. B. Treat and Company. 3. Schlesinger, Arthur M. (October 1944). Biography of a Nation of Joiners. American Historical Review (Washington, D.C. American Historical Association) L (1) 1. 4. Jacob, Margaret C. (1991). Living the Enlightenment Freemasonry and Politics in Eighteenth-Century Europe. New York, New York Oxford University Press. 5. Bairds manual(a) of American College Fraternities6. Several collegiate fraternal societies were founded by members of Freemasons, Odd Fellows and Knights of Pythias, Abovetopsecret.com 7. Klimczuk, Stephen & Warner, Gerald. Secret Places, Hidden Sanctuaries Uncovering hugger-mugger Sites, Symbols, and Societies. Sterling Publishing, 2009, New York and London. ISBN 9781402762079. pp. 212-232 (University Secret Societies and Dueling Corps).

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